Friday 24 April 2009

This picture is very important for me, It shows the most beautiful trip I have ever made, because I knew about the Inca’s culture. I liked the people, the ruins, the food, the landscape and everything.

I did the trip with my best friends Camila Berríos, Ignacia Hasbún, Maite Iglesias and Catalina Vera, in February.

This photograph was taken in Aguas Calientes town of Perú, near Qosco (Cuzco city), we went the Machu-Pichu trail, the hightest place near Aguas Calientes.

Our adventure started at four in the morning, when it was raining. After we went up Machu-Pichu and Haina-Pichu, we returned Aguas Calientes, arriving at five pm.

This picture was taken by a guy who was waking in the town in this moment.

After visiting Perú we traveled to Bolivia and Arica.

The trip lasted twenty three days.

See you later!!!

Friday 17 April 2009

In the "Congreso de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos de las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo" in december 2008 in Argentina, I know Alfredo Moffatt and I love his practice like psycologist, because it’s a wonderfull social psycology, very consecuent and communitary.

Moffatt’s method of learning has been life.

He has published three books: “Psicoterapia de Crisis, La Emergencia Psicológica”, “Psicoterapia del Oprimido” and “Psicoterapia Existencial”.

Do you want to know how often I visit the siteand? Well, I visit the siteand one time a week, and I read articles and pieces of books. I like watch the pictures, too.I love this web site, because you can learn about different realities, for example, “Ollas Populares para Chicos”, organized by mothers of children ( and “Comunidad Bancavida en la Emergencia” working with socialtherapy in disaster and psychosocial emergencys.
“La Terapia de Crisis tiene como fundamento epistemológico la filosofía existencial, que percibe al hombre como un proyecto, un ser arrojado a su futuro. Las crisis psicológicas ocurren ante transformaciones inesperadas. En los momentos de discontinuidad de esa aventura del existir, el yo queda solo y paralizado. La mirada del otro es lo que me define, yo existo en ese transcurrir del encuentro con el otro, sino me comunico, se detiene la vida y me enfermo”.

Thursday 16 April 2009

My favorite piece of technology is my little Mp3 player.
The mp3 player has headphones that I put in my ears.
I used it everyday when I go to the university.
My dad gave it to me as a gift for Christmas .
With my mp3 player and listen my favorite music like hip-hop.
I don't know what I do without my mp3 player, I think that my life will be much boring.
With my mp3 player, the time goes faster and the travels on bus are pleasant.