Tuesday 10 November 2009

Money Matters!

Suggestions for Improving your Faculty
Not finish yet

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Santiago’s Night: a entertaining nightlife

In Santiago there are many nice places for me. You might go to visit de Bellas Artes museum, Forestal park, Santa Lucia hill, and Bellavista for example. Also you go to Fantasilandia, San Cristobal hill, know the zoo, etc.

But my favourite is Santiago’s nightlife. The lights are amazing from the hills, the nightlife is very entertaining because there are many places to go.

A spectacular place is The Batuta. It is in The Plaza Ñuñoa, in Ñuñoa. Here celebrity musical groups play. It is a entertainig place, you can know people, talk with other persons, dance, sing, all you want.

The drinks are very tasty and there are a great variety at low cost.

In Plaza Ñuñoa also there are many traditional places as Dante’s Restorant, Lanzas’s Restorant, Municipality of the community, a Universidad Católica theatre and a big park where children can play and people can use for different reasons.

The best thing about Plaza Ñuñoa is that the distint generations live, because there is a place for each.

You can arrive in the subway. You need take a line 5 and get off in the Irarrazaval estation. In this place you need to take a bus and all work. When you watch a square, you need stop the bus and get off again, and voilà you came.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

My Hobbies

I think that I am a normal person. I like watching TV, talking with my friends, going to the parties and a lot of, playing with my dog, etc. But in this moment of my life my favorite hobby and my biggest shame is watching the televisión program “Pelotón”. “Pelotón” doesn’t cost me, but It takes a lot of my time because I see it every day during two hours approximalety. In addition I am addicted to the program “¿Dónde está Elisa?” that increases by 40 minutes my TV hobby.

My hobby, in addition, is accompanied by a conversation with my friend Maite. She also shares my hobby, then we both talk by Messenger about whay we see on TV. Every day, we laugh and get angry, discussed our opinions. Anyway we share the experience.

In reality, I don’t know why I enjoy watching TV, maybe it is because I need to stop thinking or because I need to relax or both.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

My experiences during the first semester of 2009

I learned many things about prision in Chile and how live people in this places. Also studied about the communities in Latinoamerica and about cancer.

I read about the education in Chile, humanism, the salmon estraction in Chiloé.

I visit education’s museum, a centre of rehabilitation for drugs and a centre of justice.

I could learn in all there places because I think that lern better when the people participe in everything.

On the other hand, in my free time I visited my friends, went a partys, watched TV, watched live soccer games, walked with my dog, talked with my mom, watched movies, danced, listened to music, etc.

My challenge was met Organizational Psychology and English because bouth was very complicated for me.

In the first semestre of 2009 I lives many things, goods and no much, but now I can say that I learn very much and that I very happy person every day.

My family is wonderfull, my friends too and I love my career.

Monday 6 July 2009

My blogging experience

It was my first experience using blog and it was absolutly positive because it help me to improve my written english and to learn more about the subjects of my interest.

The fact that I should update my blog weekly, force me to write my thoughts in english helping me to learn new vocabulary and grammar.

I hope in the near future to have the chance to improve my spoken english wich is in a very early stage.

On the other hand I think this class need to spend more time in spoken english wich is more difficult to learn but is absolutly necessary for our carrer development.

Finally I woul like to say that blogging for me was an interesting and funny experience and it it was and very important step in my learning process.

Monday 29 June 2009

My ideal job would be on site, working with people directly…, trying to solve their needs working together, because people knows what their necessities really are. I would like to work in prisons or in poor neighborhoods. I would like to work focus on inequity which most of the time public authorities do not take to solve it leaving responsibility on people itself.

For this kind of job I need to be a perseverant, hard worker, positive, propositional, with initiative, creative an empathic person.

I would be good for this kind of job because I fully met the requirement, I am not motivated by money and is the kind of job I love to do.

Is difficult to find right persons to do this job because they are very demanding in terms of time and dedication and most of the time the remuneration is under the market.

Sunday 21 June 2009


Ken Robinson talks in the video about the importance of creativity in human acts. He criticizes the educational system because it cuts the capacity for creativity.

In the most of countries in the world the educational systems have the same distribution and priority of subjects. The most important are mathematic and languages, they are in the top. Then we find the humanities, and in the bottom are the arts. He says that the objective of school system is educating people to be successful like a university professors. But he criticizes that because people focus only in his or her heads, and forget about their bodies and lose their creative capacity.

He says that we must rethink the educational system, and the way we use the human ecology to confront the world ecology changes that we are living.

Sunday 14 June 2009

My favorite subject is Legal Psychology.

I like Legal Psychology because I am interested on prevention. My thought is that being in prison has multiple causes, specially related to structural factor in society that I am willing to transform.

My teacher is Carolina Villagra.

I have learnt in this semester that is important to avoid that people being in jail situation. And when people are in jail society has the obligation to provide human condition to people jailed.

Every day ten persons died in prisons, every day persons are raped in jail, because nobody is responsible for protect the prisoner’s human rights. We need a real change in our justice understanding that market economy does not works in prisons system.

Finally I have learnt that alternative measures to prisons are more effective than prisons itself.

Friday 5 June 2009

In five years I would like to be independent. Professionally I would like to be study and work with Moffatt in Argentina and personally I would like to be happy like i am now. I will be living alone, in Chile or not. In an old building with a cat, because my dog Alun will living with my mom. I hope to be doing a good job in my area, that is the social area (Communitary Psychology and Legal Psychology). I hope to be the best. So, my ideal future is job and study, but most important for me is to be happy with people that I love and they love me.

Sunday 31 May 2009

In psychology I believe that Alfredo Moffatt is the best. He is social phycologist, he works with homeless people mainly. He is disciple of Henry Pigeon River.

For more than 15 years Alfredo did cutting-edge acts in the area of psychotherapy practice in Argentina. Since "The Carlos Gardel's Peña" until Bancadero, for examples.

Moffatt integrates aspects existentialists, anti-psychiatric, psychoanalysis, psychodrama, gestalt, experiences of emergency assistance in times of crisis, etc...

I like him, because he works with forgotten people. I admire his consistent and coherent.

What he do the best is his commitment and professionalism. From his history and work, little by little, he make a contribution to build a better world, speking from people who work with, people treated by him.

Friday 15 May 2009

I chose to study psychology because I am interested in understanding people and knowing how to help them deal with their problems.
Psychologist contribute to society understanding human behaviour, humand thinking and feeling, helping people to build a better place to live.
Empathy, critical thinking, perseverance, assertiveness, managing frustration, focus on personal/community requirements, area tools that professionals need to have in the future.
Im particulary interested on this subjects: Legal Psychology and Educational Psychology, but what Im more interested on is Community Psychology.

Friday 24 April 2009

This picture is very important for me, It shows the most beautiful trip I have ever made, because I knew about the Inca’s culture. I liked the people, the ruins, the food, the landscape and everything.

I did the trip with my best friends Camila Berríos, Ignacia Hasbún, Maite Iglesias and Catalina Vera, in February.

This photograph was taken in Aguas Calientes town of Perú, near Qosco (Cuzco city), we went the Machu-Pichu trail, the hightest place near Aguas Calientes.

Our adventure started at four in the morning, when it was raining. After we went up Machu-Pichu and Haina-Pichu, we returned Aguas Calientes, arriving at five pm.

This picture was taken by a guy who was waking in the town in this moment.

After visiting Perú we traveled to Bolivia and Arica.

The trip lasted twenty three days.

See you later!!!

Friday 17 April 2009

In the "Congreso de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos de las Madres de la Plaza de Mayo" in december 2008 in Argentina, I know Alfredo Moffatt and I love his practice like psycologist, because it’s a wonderfull social psycology, very consecuent and communitary.

Moffatt’s method of learning has been life.

He has published three books: “Psicoterapia de Crisis, La Emergencia Psicológica”, “Psicoterapia del Oprimido” and “Psicoterapia Existencial”.

Do you want to know how often I visit the siteand? Well, I visit the siteand one time a week, and I read articles and pieces of books. I like watch the pictures, too.I love this web site, because you can learn about different realities, for example, “Ollas Populares para Chicos”, organized by mothers of children (http://www.oyitas.org.ar/) and “Comunidad Bancavida en la Emergencia” working with socialtherapy in disaster and psychosocial emergencys.
“La Terapia de Crisis tiene como fundamento epistemológico la filosofía existencial, que percibe al hombre como un proyecto, un ser arrojado a su futuro. Las crisis psicológicas ocurren ante transformaciones inesperadas. En los momentos de discontinuidad de esa aventura del existir, el yo queda solo y paralizado. La mirada del otro es lo que me define, yo existo en ese transcurrir del encuentro con el otro, sino me comunico, se detiene la vida y me enfermo”.

Thursday 16 April 2009

My favorite piece of technology is my little Mp3 player.
The mp3 player has headphones that I put in my ears.
I used it everyday when I go to the university.
My dad gave it to me as a gift for Christmas .
With my mp3 player and listen my favorite music like hip-hop.
I don't know what I do without my mp3 player, I think that my life will be much boring.
With my mp3 player, the time goes faster and the travels on bus are pleasant.

Friday 27 March 2009

Hi, my name is Camila but my brother called me Minchu. I'm 21 years old. My birthday is on may 24.
I’m third grade student of Psichology in University of Chile.
I like smile y laugh a lot.
I’m lucky because i have many friends.
I have a dog, her name es Alun that mean “light” in mapudungún.
I hope with this English Course learn a little more than i know.
I'd like to learn about other countries in the world, their culture, the kind of people who lives there, their believes...etc.
I hope to improve my English accent too.

Friday 20 March 2009


la primera clase de ingles